Women take to streets for 12th night for Mahsa Amini Case

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Women take to streets for 12th night for Mahsa Amini Case_awwaken.com
Women take to streets for 12th night for Mahsa Amini Case_awwaken.com

A rights group says more than 75 people have been killed during the crackdown that killed Mahsa Amini on Tuesday. Demonstrations flared after a 22-year-old Kurdish woman was killed by the Islamic republic’s morality police for violating the strict dress code.

Protests continued in different cities, but activists said internet restrictions were making it more difficult to upload videos. Video shared by Manoto television shows a woman with her headscarf removed waving her arms in the air in the Tehran district of Narmak.

In reports by London-based Iran International TV, women seen removing their headscarves at Sanandaj, and a man torches Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s banner in Shiraz.

There are still some videos leaking out of Iran, according to the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran.

Mahsa Amini death on September 16 sparked the death of “around 60 people,” according to Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency.

According to Iran Human Rights (IHR), at least 76 people killed.

The number of arrests reached 1,200 Monday. Journalists, activists, lawyers, and lawyers have been arrested.

Bahram Einollahi, quoted by IRNA, claimed that 72 ambulances were destroyed, while foreign activists say police use ambulances to transport them.

Freedom House called government to stand with Mahsa Amini

Global condemnation follows the crackdown. Freedom House called on other governments to stand with the protesters and hold Iranian officials accountable.

German Ambassador to Iran summoned, Canadian sanctions announced, and Iranian ambassador summoned to Norway and Britain.

Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, IHR director, called for the international community to take decisive and united action.

According to IHR, “live ammunition directly fired at protesters”.

In recent video footage published by AFP, riot police in black body armour beat protesters with truncheons, and students tore down pictures of Khamenei and Khomeini.

In addition, The Committee to Protect Journalists reports 20 arrests.

Moreover, In November 2019, deadly protests over fuel price increases erupted over fuel price hikes, said senior Iran researcher Mahsa Alimardani.

“Content has stopped coming out. We no longer have access to Iran. Even more bloodshed is really frightening,” she said.

People’s demands

A top Iranian judiciary official has called for “decisive action without leniency” against protest instigators. Authorities urged to take a softer stance by a powerful Shiite cleric.

According to Grand Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani, leaders must listen to people’s demands and solve their problems. US president Donald Trump’s abandonment of the nuclear deal in 2018 has clouded diplomatic efforts to revive it.

Iran uses “disproportionate force” against non-violent protesters, Borrell said. U.S. sanctions imposed last week against the Iranian morality police, and Justin Trudeau said on Monday that Canada would follow suit.


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