‘Inadmissible’ petition dismissed by IHC on cabinet formation – Sheikh Rasheed

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'Inadmissible' petition dismissed by IHC on cabinet formation – Sheikh Rasheed_awwaken.com
'Inadmissible' petition dismissed by IHC on cabinet formation – Sheikh Rasheed_awwaken.com

The Islamabad High Court dismissed the petition of former interior minister Sheikh Rasheed against the formation of the federal cabinet on Tuesday.

Athar Minallah, Chief Justice of the IHC, ruled that the composition of the current federal cabinet is not contrary to the Constitution. Sheikh Rasheed had challenged the appointment of 72 cabinet members, arguing that it violated Article 92(1) of the Constitution.

However, during Tuesday’s hearing, the IHC CJ dismissed the petition as “frivolous” and imposed an “exemplary fine”. Sheikh Rasheed was a member of parliament, however, so the court displayed restraint.

The government is accountable to parliament, according to CJ Minallah. In this matter, why does the petitioner drag the court into it? Political disputes being brought before constitutional courts are not in the public interest,” he said.

Justice Minallah rebuked the petitioner for “disrespecting” the parliament at the outset of the hearing, saying this attitude damaged the forum. Rashid’s lawyer said there was no other venue for them to file this plea than the IHC.

“The parliament has been disrespected too much and such a petition should not be refiled in the IHC,” the chief justice noted, noting that elected representatives were in the parliament.

When he was in government, did the petitioner publish the names of his special assistants and advisers? During Rashid’s tenure as interior minister, he asked whether he had visited the Adiala Jail. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

Parliament is not demeaned by Sheikh Rasheed

The CJ of the IHC told Sheikh Sahab that the court respects parliament and does not interfere in executive matters. You can come to us if your basic rights are violated, but not like this.”

Despite the petition being baseless, the court showed restraint this time instead of imposing a fine. Rashid should return to parliament to fight his case, as it was the biggest forum.

You’re dragging the court into this, why does the parliament make the government accountable? Our court respects you, and we stay away from political issues,” he said. The former interior minister then requested that the petition be withdrawn, but the IHC CJ responded that an order would be issued.


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