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Tim Burton and Monica Bellucci are a couple: Here’s what we know

Tim Burton and Monica Bellucci have been making headlines recently after rumours

10 Warning Signs Your Body Needs More Water: Understanding Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in,

Celebrities divorced in 2022 – There might be your favorite one

Throughout 2022, celebrities divorced. It has been quite a year for everyone,

‘Selena Gomez dating again after spilling Justin Bieber relationship details’

After talking about Justin Bieber's romance in a documentary, Selena Gomez is

Kate Hudson talks nepotism in Netflix’s Glass Onion 2022

It was with a great deal of pleasure that Kate Hudson, star

Black Adam (2022)Family Tragedy history – Awwaken.com

The world needs a hero. #BlackAdam is streaming December 16 on HBO

Taylor stays in studio – Instead of lavish birthday parties

Taylor Swift turned a year older on Friday, and she couldn't be

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck pick a Christmas tree in L.A.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck  got into the Christmas spirit while shopping

Spotify Wrapped 2022: Taylor Swift and Bad Bunny rule -awwaken

This year's Spotify Wrapped 2022  lists the top artists Taylor Swift and

BLACKPINK YouTube History  “Kill This Love” Hits 1.7 Billion Views

A remarkable feat has just been accomplished by BLACKPINK youtube history!  Blackpink's