PTI next move will be announced at the Imran Khan rally in Gujranwala

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PTI next move will be announced at Imran Khan rally in Gujranwala_awwaken
PTI next move will be announced at Imran Khan rally in Gujranwala_awwaken

Tomorrow’s rally in Gujranwala, Imran Khan announced that the “next critical phase” of PTI “Haqiqi Azadi movement”— a push for real freedom—would begin shortly.

In a tweet, Imran Khan declared that tomorrow’s rally in Gujranwala would mark the end of his party’s current campaign for “realistic” rather than constitutional recognition of Pakistani identity.

According to the former prime minister, because of Pakistan’s support for PTI as well as other coalition parties, the nation is preparing itself for a “minus one formula” in which all members of parliament will lose their seats.

The PTI has announced countrywide protests.

During a press conference held before Khan sent his tweet, party leader Fawad Chaudhry announced that nationwide protests would begin tomorrow.

Pakistani Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders expressed confidence in their party leader, Imran Khan, during a meeting today.

The government has filed cases against Imran Khan, even as the country faces flooding. The coalition lacks a popular mandate that might reflect in its policies. So, they are trying to unseat the opposition leader,” Fawad said.

The government is trying to banish Imran from mainstream politics, says Fawad.

Khan and his party have been on a collision course with the government since January when he accused Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi of using the parliament’s joint session to “save” Nawaz Sharif from corruption charges. Khan accused the government of trying to protect Sharif and his family from accountability for their actions.

The government spends all its time fighting internal battles and is unable to focus on important matters of the state. The prime minister insisted that “only one political party is in opposition,” but when elections delayed there was no flooding.

It is not possible to give this government much time, given the current political and economic climate. In addition, the final stages of Pakistan’s political process have also been reached. A new government will take office very soon.


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