CTD center in Bannu – SSG clears Bannu CTD compound of hostages, kills captors 2022

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CTD center in Bannu - SSG clears Bannu CTD compound of hostages, kills captors- awwaken
CTD center in Bannu - SSG clears Bannu CTD compound of hostages, kills captors

All 33 terrorists who took over the Counter-Terrorism Department’s CTD center in Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, have been killed, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif said Tuesday, three days after militants overpowered security guards.

A Pakistan Army Special Service Group (SSG) operation was launched earlier today, which resulted in ten to fifteen soldiers being injured and two being martyred, according to the minister.

All hostages had been freed by 2:30pm, according to the minister. Moreover, the defence minister said the militants were not from a single group, but rather from a variety of banned outfits.

According to him, 33 terrorists arrested inside the compound, and one of them overpowered a guard. Afterwards, Asif said, the terrorists seized control of the center after he snatched his weapon.

CTD center in Bannu – SSG clears Bannu CTD compound of hostages, kills captors

In an attempt to resolve the standoff, Pakistani government representatives initiated talks with the leaders of TTP-affiliated terrorists.

Demands of terrorists in CTD center in Bannu

CTD center in Bannu – SSG clears Bannu CTD compound of hostages, kills captors

The terrorists were demanding a safe route to Afghanistan, according to earlier reports. While there have been incidents elsewhere, KP and Balochistan have clearly shown signs of terrorism.”

Furthermore, the defence minister mentioned that the militants belonged to different banned groups rather than a single group. According to the Minister of Defence, the provincial government has “completely failed” in its responsibilities regarding the CTD.

“We held hostage by Imran Khan in Zaman Park. Meanwhile, innocent people in KP were held hostage [by terrorists].

Even when floods hit KP, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-led government, which has been in power for nine years, consistently failed to deliver.

Although he claimed that it had been an “utter failure” for nine years, he indicated that it had been an “utter failure” for nine years, not just six months or a year.

In fact, Imran uses helicopters provided by the provincial government, according to Asif. As the minister pointed out, he is also contemplating coming back into power and destroying what left.

Further, the defence minister slammed the KP government, saying that it was “completely collapsed”.

CTD center in Bannu – Increasing terror attacks 

In KP, law and order has deteriorated over the last few weeks with an increase in threats and attacks on security forces and politicians.

A recent spike in attacks in Peshawar, southern districts, and Mardan has prompted the police to be on high alert across the province.

Among the threats claimed by senior politicians, the publication cited a source: “Apart from the police, senior politicians have also complained.” A grenade attack also reported on the houses of some of them.”

Samar Bilour, Awami National Party (ANP) spokesperson, also reported that Aimal Wali Khan had received a call about his life attacked.

Community will force to protect their leaders

The state should protect their leaders, according to Samar, but if that does not happen, the community will forc to protect their leaders themselves.

“In addition to Aimal Wali Khan, Sardar Hussain Babak also received threats, while the residence of MPA Faisal Zeb attacked twice,” Samar had stated last week.

Besides the attack on ANP MPA Faisal Zeb’s house in Shangla, a grenade hurled at ANP senator Hidayatullah’s house in Peshawar.

During the past few months, there have been a wave of terrorist attacks across the province, according to the report. In KP, at least 118 terrorist incidents  reported since mid-August until the end of November, according to official statistics.

Across the KP, at least 26 policemen, 12 members of other law enforcement agencies and 17 civilians killed in terror incidents. Moreover, the attacks resulted in the injuries of 18 police officers, 10 civilians, and 37 members of law enforcement agencies.

As a result of November attacks, Peshawar, Mardan, Bajaur, Mohmand, Dera Ismail Khan, Tank, Kohat, Bannu, and Nowshera were all affected.

Assisting the US

The U.S. has offered to help Pakistan deal with militant outfits’ threats in the wake of rising terror incidents.

As part of a press briefing, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price discussed terrorism and the Bannu hostage crisis.

The ongoing situation in Pakistan is, of course, something we are all aware of. Our team has closely followed reports that militants have taken control of Bannu’s counterterrorism center,” he said.

“Our deepest sympathy goes out to those injured,” Price said, and he urged the attackers to stop violence, release hostages safely, and end the siege.

Islamabad is a partner when it comes to these shared challenges, including the challenge of terrorism within Afghanistan and along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

To help our Pakistani friends take on this challenge, we have partnered with them. In this situation or in a broader sense, we stand ready to assist. We have to refer you to Pakistani authorities for this situation.”


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