President Joe Biden’s counsel finds 5 more classified pages in his Delaware home

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President Joe Biden's counsel finds 5 more classified pages in his Delaware
President Joe Biden's counsel finds 5 more classified pages in his Delaware

President Joe Biden’s counsel revealed on Saturday that five additional pages bearing classified markings  discovered on Thursday at the president’s Wilmington, Delaware, home and immediately turned over to the Justice Department (DOJ).

In a statement, President Joe Biden’s counsel, Richard Sauber, said he traveled on Thursday to Biden’s Wilmington home to retrieve a document with classified markings that had found earlier.

During the transfer, I discovered five additional pages with classification marks among the materials, for a total of six pages. My colleagues at the DOJ with me immediately took possession of them,” Sauber said.

It  revealed this week that Biden’s legal team had discovered classified documents pertaining to his time as vice president in the Obama administration in his Delaware home, including some stored in his garage.

He  associated with a Washington think tank as well as his residence; another batch of classified documents  found there previously. Merrick Garland, the US Attorney General, appointed a special counsel on Thursday to probe the allegations.

President Joe Biden’s counsel

Is it likely that they will find more classified documents at Joe Biden’s house? “In a tweet posted on Saturday, Republican House Judiciary Committee members said.

In an interview with Sauber, Biden’s lawyers said they have handed over all the documents to the appropriate government agencies “immediately and voluntarily”.

We have now publicly released specific details about the documents identified, how they  discovered, and where they  found. As a result of the special counsel’s appointment in this matter, we will be referring particular questions to him or her in the future. It was my intention to inform you on Thursday that the White House would cooperate with the newly appointed special counsel.”

Jill Biden, who underwent surgery on Wednesday to remove skin lesions on her chest and face, is spending the weekend with her husband in Wilmington.

On Thursday, a reporter asked Biden whether it was wise to store important material near his Corvette. During the conversation, the self-declare “car guy” president explain that both of them locked in a garage.

As he explained, it is not as though they are sitting on the street. It is well know that I treat classify documents and material with the utmost respect.”

House Republicans on Friday

House Republicans on Friday began investigating the Justice Department for improperly storing classified documents Biden possessed, and questioned whether his son Hunter had access to them.

The top Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee requested all relevant documents and communications between the Justice Department, FBI, White House, and attorneys for Biden.

During a congressional hearing on Saturday, Republican Rep. James Comer described the incident as alarming and stated that the National Archives, Justice Department, and White House had not been forthcoming. In addition to reviewing the case, Comer said his panel would also do so.

In an attempt to compare the investigation with the ongoing probe into how former President Donald Trump handled classified documents after his presidency, Republican lawmakers have sought to draw comparisons.

 The Biden case, Biden’s team cooperated with authorities and provided documents that were part of their investigation, according to the White House. A Florida resort search by the FBI in August forced Trump to do this after he had resisted doing so for months.

Bob Bauer, Biden’s personal lawyer, said in a statement that Biden directed his lawyers to be “open and fully cooperative” with the National Archives and Records Administration and the Justice Department.

It should also be noted that the president’s personal attorneys have attempted to achieve a balance between the importance of public transparency and the established norms and restrictions that are necessary to maintain the integrity of the investigation. As a result, details relevant to the investigation should not be disclosed to the public during the investigation,” he explained.


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