Zero-COVID curbs signal no end to Chinese state media

Zero-COVID curbs signal no end to Chinese state media
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Zero-COVID curbs signal no end to Chinese state
Zero-COVID curbs signal no end to Chinese state
  • Zero-COVID curbs signal no end to Chinese state media
  • China eradicated zero-COVID
  • Foreign mRNA vaccines

In a fourth editorial this week, the Chinese State Media announced no easing of its zero-COVID policy.

After the congress, which begins Sunday, the Chinese public and international observers expect the strategy to be relaxed.

China eradicated zero-COVID

Apart from snap lockdowns, mass testing, and travel restrictions, China remains the last major economy to eradicate COVID-19.

It has kept case numbers low, but left its economy battered – causing ripple effects worldwide – and reinforced its isolation.

Earlier this week, a Communist Party mouthpiece referred to “lying flat” as a common Chinese slang term for relaxation.

The report argued that loosening restrictions would overwhelm China’s medical system and result in further virus mutations.

Since early September, China has experienced its worst nationwide surge in cases.

The BF.7 Omicron subvariant has caused over 4,000 infections in northern Inner Mongolia as of Wednesday.

BF.7 was also detected earlier this week in Shenzhen, a major manufacturing and tech hub in Guangdong.

It was written in the editorial that vaccination rates have not yet formed a sufficient barrier against severe illness and death.

Detect-and-Fight has proven most effective for keeping lives and health protected.”

Foreign mRNA vaccines

China has approved only two doses of the COVID vaccine for elderly Chinese, while foreign mRNA vaccines are not.

A People’s Daily editorial portrays COVID control as an existential struggle between China’s political system and the West.

It said in an editorial on Tuesday that the fight against the epidemic was a test of material strength and a war of spirits.

On Tuesday, the article trended on social media platform Weibo, but online comments were disabled.

An editorial on Tuesday from state media outlet Xinhua called for never “lying flat”.

In preparation for Sunday’s opening of the congress in Beijing, officials have imposed new lockdowns and restrictions in major cities.

As a result of Xi Jinping’s zero-COVID policy, he is expected to secure a record third term as president.


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