Spinal cord injuries might be cured by this drug

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Spinal cord injuries might be cured by this drug_awwaken.com
Spinal cord injuries might be cured by this drug_awwaken.com

The development of an injection has been hailed as a breakthrough in the development of a new drug that has been hailed as “revolutionary.” ‘TTK21’ has been found to be capable of repairing spinal cord injuries, suggests a new study.  The drug tested on paralyzed mice that grew new nerves after injected within three months.

Dr Simone Di Giovanni, lead author of the study and a professor at Imperial College London. They Said in a media release that the drug was incredibly important since chronic spinal cord injuries are currently incurable.

There is likelihood that neurons can no longer re-grow and repair themselves after sustaining such an injury. Alternatively, TTK21 (terminal talin homology 21) promotes the growth of neurons and the transmission of neuronal signals in synapses.

Spinal cord damage interferes with electrical signals

Besides the back, spinal cord damage interferes with electrical signals that travel from the brain to the rest of the body. Limbs can become paralyzed as a result.

According to a study published in PLOS Biology, the new drug can regenerate axons, which are long spindly parts of nerve cells.

It is only through physical rehabilitation that injured people are currently able to regain at least some mobility after injury. A chronic spinal cord injury cannot cured with a drug. So surgery is the only form of treatment that is available.

As a result of severe injury, the mice administered the drug for 12 weeks. The researchers found that TTK21 helped to regenerate motor and sensory neurons.

As a DNA repair agent, it stimulates epigenetic mechanisms to repair DNA that damaged in a way that causes mutations to occur.

A possible explanation for the increase in sensory axon growth. That regeneration-related genes may more highly expressed as a result of an increase in sensory axon growth.

In his explanation, he explained that experts were in the process of exploring new strategies to combine the drug with other biomaterials in order to “improve the disability in SCI patients”.


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