Climate migration – Do you how is it affecting the in world 2022?

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climate migration
climate migration

Climate migration: Every year on December 18, the International Day of Migration is observed to raise awareness about migrants’ rights and challenges. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families on December 18, 1990.

As a result of political, economic, and environmental factors, the UNGA declared December 18 as International Migrants Day on December 4, 2000.

Across the globe, climate change and environmental conditions have become important factors influencing migration. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report 2022 predicts that rising sea levels, droughts, searing temperatures, and other climate catastrophes will uproot 143 million people over the next 30 years. Normally, people migrate to climate-resilient towns within their countries of residence to have safe habitats and sustain means of income.”

The South Asian region had 18 million climate migrants

climate migration

Pakistan is also among the top ten countries most affected by climate-related disasters. More than 18 million people in the South Asian region were climate migrants, according to the report ‘Costs of Climate Inaction: Displacement and Distress Migration’ published in 2020. Moreover, if Global Warming continues to increase at the current rate, almost 63 million people will be displaced in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. It is expected that by the year 2050, approximately two million people will be climate migrants in Pakistan alone.

 According to the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Report, Pakistan’s recent floods have displaced nearly eight million people.

Climate migration is caused by a variety of factors. Firstly, people migrate from areas at risk of being hit by climate disasters to protect themselves. Due to extreme weather conditions, people are unable to earn a living or lose earnings constantly. People are forced to shift into a new business or profession as a result of such climatic patterns. Agricultural damage could result from unprecedented rains or floods that force farmers to seek alternative income sources.

Areas affected by climate disasters

climate migration

There are many areas affected by climate disasters that are also vulnerable to food insecurity, which is another reason for climate migration. Health issues are another reason why people choose to migrate due to climate change. Floods and extreme weather conditions cause many diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and skin problems.

Migration due to climate change also poses several challenges for migrants and displaced persons. To resettle in a new environment, they need shelter first. It is sometimes difficult to adjust to new places and environments due to cultural and ethnic differences. It becomes challenging for migrants to excel in new fields when they adopt new businesses and jobs. Furthermore, new businesses and professions are always at risk of failure.

Children from migrant families face another challenge when it comes to their education. After displacement, they lack the resources to afford their children’s education. They may be able to send their children to school, but it will be a challenge for them to adjust, make new friends, and keep up with the pace of learning.

Additionally, migrants may commit more crimes if they cannot find appropriate employment opportunities to support their families. Human trafficking and drug trafficking are also illegal businesses targeted by criminal gangs. Women migrants are vulnerable to gender-based crimes such as abduction and rape. Migrants suffer from many psychological problems due to a lack of economic opportunities and adjustment issues. Migrant families are increasingly experiencing domestic violence.

Climate migration strategies to make it systematic

The challenges climate migrants face can be overcome in several ways. Globally, governments should develop research-based climate migration strategies to make it systematic. Financial assistance can be provided by governments to climate migrants. Counseling services should be provided to climate migrants to help them find jobs and businesses that will be successful in their new location.

There needs to be mass awareness raised to accept and support climate migrants regardless of their ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Security should be maintained in areas where migrants reside by law enforcement agencies.



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