Dion stiff person syndrome: Celine Dion is diagnosed with stiff person syndrome

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Celine Dion is diagnosed with stiff person syndrome -awwaken.com
Celine Dion is diagnosed with stiff person syndrome -awwaken.com

Celine Dion told her followers on Thursday that she has a rare neurological disorder called stiff-person syndrome. Johns Hopkins Medicine states that it affects 1 or 2 people per million.

Celine Dion has been identified with stiff person syndrome, a rare neurological disorder characterized by tight muscles, jerks, and quivers, as well as an increased sensitivity to environmental factors like sound and touch.

The source of the disorder is uncertain, though it is thought to be an immune system reaction. Treatment usually involves drugs to minimize the effects, including muscle relaxers, anticonvulsants, and antidepressants.

No cure exists for stiff-person syndrome, but prompt detection and treatment can alleviate its effects and maximize quality of life. People affected by this disorder may have difficulty moving, walking, and maintaining a posture. Additionally, external noises like car horns can cause spasms and falls, leading to fear of leaving the house.

Dion stiff person syndrome – Dion is facing health issue


Dion, who has stiff person syndrome, has to delay her performances due to the risk of falls and resulting harm. She was unable to discuss it before, but is now ready. I’ve been battling health issues for quite a while and it’s been tough to confront and speak of my experience.

This clarified what was causing my spasms.Dion mentioned the spasms have a great impact on her life, which makes it difficult to walk and even sing. She added, “I usually give my all during performances, but my condition is stopping me from doing that right now.”

NINDS states women experience of Stiff person syndrome

Celine Dion is diagnosed with stiff person syndrome- awwaken

NINDS states women experience this syndrome twice as much as men, though overall it’s rare. The cause is still a mystery, but research points to an autoimmune issue in the central nervous system. NINDS states that this rare disorder is frequently mislabeled as Parkinson’s or MS, among others.

Dion expressed difficulty with the condition, as there is no known fix. Despite this, they remain determined to keep doing what they love: singing.The singer concluded by saying she plans to concentrate fully on her health and recuperation, and hopes to be back on stage performing soon.

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