“Biggest freedom movement” pledges Imran Khan

"Biggest freedom movement" pledges Imran Khan
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"Biggest freedom movement" pledges Imran Khan-awwaken.com
"Biggest freedom movement" pledges Imran Khan-awwaken.com
  • "Biggest freedom movement" pledges Imran Khan
  • Freedom movement in Pakistan
  • A long march is not a revolution

PTI Chairman Imran Khan acknowledged the march to Islamabad as Pakistan’s “greatest freedom movement” on Wednesday.

During a party event in Sialkot, he said: “We will continue our struggle until the nation gets its rights through elections.”

It will kick off from Lahore’s Liberty Chowk on October 28 (Friday) despite the government’s repeated warnings.

The CJP advised the government to hold talks with Musharraf after rejecting the government’s request to immediately halt the long march to Islamabad.

As a warning to Khan, the government warned that if Khan announced another long march, it would multiply its May 25 policy by 10.

In the event that the PTI holds another long march, it would be their second trip to Islamabad. On May 25, Khan abruptly ended the march after reaching Islamabad, the last march of the year.

In his speech to his supporters, Khan said, “The old and new workers should begin mobilizing in order to stop what a foreign conspiracy has done to us, which has installed thieves on our shoulders.”.

Freedom movement in Pakistan

In his long march, he said the nation would achieve “real” independence by destroying the ruling “dacoits”.

I will depart from Lahore on Friday. This is the biggest freedom movement Pakistan has ever seen.”

The struggle against the “American slaves who repeatedly oppress us” will continue until the nation is allowed to choose its own representatives.

In a warning to the federal government, the former premier requested Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah to prepare himself for a sea of people in the city.

Khan said he would hold accountable those who had treated ex-interior minister and PTI leader Azam Swati unfairly.

On October 13, the FIA’s Cybercrime Wing (CCW) in Islamabad arrested the PTI leader over tweets he sent against the army chief. He was, however, granted post-arrest bail after posting surety bonds worth Rs1 million almost eight days later.

Khan said, expressing anger at the authorities for removing his social media workers. Imran Khan will not be the only one affected [in Islamabad], Pakistan as a whole will be affected.”

A long march is not a revolution

PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif responded that Khan’s long march was not aim at revolutionizing the country, but rather appointing a future army chief.

His four-year tenure has resulted in a revolution for the nation.”

With indisputable evidence of foreign funding, Tosha Khana, and a robbery of 50 billion dollars, Imran Khan has proven to be the biggest thief in history.”


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