Biden’s remarks don’t support Imran’s conspiracy theory

Biden's remarks don't support Imran's conspiracy theory
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Biden's remarks don't support Imran's conspiracy theory-awwaken,com
Biden's remarks don't support Imran's conspiracy theory-awwaken,com
  • Biden's remarks don't support Imran's conspiracy theory
  • US conspiracy
  • Biden: Pakistan is most dangerous
  • Result in Pakistan

Imran Khan based his regime-change narrative on a US conspiracy, according to Federal Defense Minister Khawaja Asif.  There has been a breakdown in the conspiracy narrative, according to the minister. 

According to Biden, Pakistan is “one of the most dangerous countries” and its nuclear programme lacks cohesion.

Ahead of Saturday’s democratic congressional campaign committee reception, Biden asked: “Did anybody think China would be trying to figure out its role relative to Russia, India, and Pakistan?”

The defense minister said Pakistan’s Russia-Ukraine policy could have caused President Biden’s statement.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s reaction to the US President’s statement is cautious, he said. According to him, Pakistan will reassess its position in a few days if necessary.

As a result of the serious circumstances facing Pakistan, the country cannot afford to be belligerent, he said. At the same time, he maintained, Pakistan’s dignity should be respected.

The US President made an unsettling statement after Khawaja Asif tweeted about it, which he described as unfortunate.

He said Pakistan has supported the US and its allies over the years, and respects and values its partnership with the US. The history of the land, on the other hand, seems to have been forgotten, according to him.

Defense minister said Pakistan has adopted a principled position on the Ukraine war, which the US may not have liked. According to him, the policy of their government will be likable if we follow it blindfolded.

Moreover, In defense of Pakistan’s nuclear capability, he urged the US President to ‘bring about cohesion in his approach’ to Pakistan.

According to him, utterances like that of Biden do not strengthen bilateral ties between the US and Pakistan.

US conspiracy

The bilateral ties between the two countries have improved over the past few months and the two countries should maintain their cohesion, according to him.

So. to make things a bit lighter, Imran Khan’s narrative that raised suspicions of a US conspiracy against him is now over.”

Khawaja Asif said the government is not amending the law governing the Army Chief’s extension or reappointment.

As far as I know, the government won’t introduce such an amendment in the near future.”.

Biden: Pakistan is most dangerous

Biden alleged on October 15 that Pakistan’s nuclear program lacks “cohesion” when discussing Russia’s and China’s aggressive behavior.

US President Barack Obama said he spent 68 hours in person with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, more than any other head of state.

According to Biden, China President Jinping “understands what he wants, but he has enormous problems”.

In relation to what’s happening in Russia and Pakistan, we need to find a way to handle that. The US has many opportunities in the second quarter of the 21st century to change the dynamic, the president said.

Result in Pakistan

Prior to issuing a detailed response, the Pakistani authorities consulted. So, Biden’s controversial remarks were strongly protested by Prime Minister Sharif and Foreign Minister Zardari.

Donald Blome, US Ambassador to Pakistan, received a “strong” demarche following President Biden’s “misleading” remarks.

A demarche was delivered by Acting Foreign Secretary Jauhar Saleem, according to the ministry. The US envoy was informed of Pakistan’s disappointment and concern over the unwarranted remarks.

According to the ministry, the remarks of the US president are not grounded in facts and reality.

According to him, Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state, and it adheres to global standards and international best practices.


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