To prevent data leaks, the center issues a dark web advisory to ministries and provinces

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To prevent data leaks, the center issues a dark web advisory to ministries and
To prevent data leaks, the center issues a dark web advisory to ministries and

Earlier this week, it  revealed that the federal government had sent cybersecurity dark web advisory to ministries and provinces to prevent data leaks.

There are portions of the internet that are hide from search engines, called the dark web. The majority of users pay using cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, which are anonymous and untraceable.

Moreover,The advisory titled ‘Leakage of Sensitive Data on the Dark Web (Advisory No 53)’ noted that the dark web offers anonymity making it a “gateway to criminal activity” and comprises 96% of the entire Internet’s data.

“There is nefarious use of dark/deep web by criminals, terrorists, hostile intelligence agencies and nonstate actors,” according to the report.

Here are some of the crimes carry out on the dark web, according to the advisory:

  • Invasion of privacy
  • Intimidation
  • Defamatory websites
  • Dump files of data
  • By using leaked databases, citizens’ personal information and key appointments can  accessed
  • Leaked banking details are use to perpetrate financial scams
  • Capturing civilians and government officials with honeypots
  • Money laundering and terrorism financing
  • Propaganda distribution
  • The recruiting of terrorists
  • Terrorist support and cross-border collaboration
  • Weapons, drugs, and human trafficking
  • Attacks on ransom and bounty hunters

Leakage on hacking forums/dark web advisory

“In order to prevent personal or official data from  expose to cybercriminals and further leakage on hacking forums/dark web, users are advised to take precautionary steps.

The document provided guidelines for ensuring data security. Among them are:

  • Avoid exploring the dark web
  • While browsing the web, remain vigilant
  • Don’t forward or click on links or pictures shared on WhatsApp or in an email by a source you don’t know
  • Make all emails, social media accounts, and bank accounts two-factor authenticated.
  • It is never a good idea to share your One-Time Password (OTP)
  • Install only trusted software and apps (with digital signatures) from third-party sources on Windows, Android, or iPhone
  • Unless you are using Adblock or Adblock Plus, avoid installing unnecessary plugins on your browser
  • Ensure both Windows and Android phones are regularly updated with reputable antimalware/antivirus software
  • We have to educate everyone under our command not to share passwords, sensitive information, or personal information over the telephone
  • PTA should be notified if suspicious calls are received from unknown numbers
  • Ask relevant questions from the caller to counter social engineering/scam phone calls and judge them carefully to ensure authenticity.

A series of audio recordings

A series of audio recordings taken from top political leaders have been leaked online over the past few months, including recordings from the former premier Imran Khan and the current prime minister Shehbaz Sharif.

So, there were reports at the time that a hacker or group – likely linked to previous attacks on behalf of neighbouring India – had listed a data dump containing conversations from the Pakistan PM’s office on the dark web.

In order to set a minimum bid of around 18 Bitcoins, or Etherscan tokens, worth about $345,000, users claimed the video clips were shared online by the alleged hacker(s).

The purported hacker(s) – who posted their claim some time in August 2022 – also claimed to possess additional data, including conversations between the current and former prime ministers.

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