TikTok fatigue? The Best Way to Stop Scrolling

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TikTok fatigue? The Best Way to Stop Scrolling _awwaken.com
TikTok fatigue? The Best Way to Stop Scrolling _awwaken.com

Approximately 93% of Gen Z admit to staying up late to participate in social media specially tiktok. Adults across generations agreed. Lack of sleep affects a person’s mental and physical health.


Simple tips can help you sleep better

A new school year means alarm clocks are likely going off earlier this year. Compared to Gen-Zers, born 1997-2012, waking up may be difficult.

According to AASM, 93% of Gen Z have lost sleep due to staying up late scrolling or using social media after bedtime.

A lack of sleep can affect young people’s development, says Dr. Azizi Seixas, director of the Miller School of Medicine Media and Innovation Laboratory.

Development of brain

There’s more to staying up late than just swiping, scrolling, and tapping. AASM found that 80% of participants used social media late at night.

TikTok, which in 2021 exceeded Facebook and Google as the world’s most popular website, can be particularly disruptive to sleep. Viral videos are addictive, and it’s hard to stop watching them.

“TikTok has more-or-less morphed into a reward system lever in our brains,” says Howard Pratt, D.O., CHI’s director of behavioral health.

In addition, How to refresh your sleep hygiene, the importance of rest, and how social media can help.

Sleep and TikTok

It’s no surprise that social media disrupts sleep. TikTok users in China have been reported to suffer more daytime fatigue in a 2021 study. A high level of cognitive arousal before sleep may cause fatigue.

Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine founder Dr. Alex Dimitriu doesn’t find this research surprising.

Moreover, Sleep-deprived mice have shown to stay awake endlessly by ‘searching’ for food, Dimitriu says. “Food comes first even over sleep in evolutionary terms.”

As Dimitriu says, we view TikTok similarly. Clinical psychologist Charissa Chamorro, PhD, an authority on anxiety disorders, concurs.

With TikTok, you never know what video will be the funniest, most talked about, or most fascinating,” Chamorro says. Your brain craves fascinating entertainment, despite being tired. Sleeping later gives you the benefits of TikTok videos.”

Devices emit blue light. An older study from 2014 suggested blue light adversely impacted sleep, wakefulness, and circadian rhythm.

Insomnia can be damaging

The average adult should sleep seven hours per night, while children need eight to 10 hours.

A consistent lack of sleep could negatively affect physical and mental health. RN, PhD, sleep science advisor at Aeroflow Sleep. Sleep deprivation can lead to:

  • Performing well
  • Imagination
  • Developing
  • Anxiety
  • Attentiveness
  • Intensity
  • Inflammatory response
  • Releasing hormones

Only the eldest Gen Z members may have fully developed brains because Gen Z’s age range is 10 to 25. The lack of sleep can adversely affect their physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.

Poor sleep quality was associated with psychological distress in Saudi Arabian medical students under 18 years old. Poor sleep also negatively impacts mental health.

It can also increase the risk of:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • A2 diabetes
  • Infancy
  • Virus

Social media overuse adverse effects

Moreover, It’s not all bad. Connectedness is possible. Seixas cautions against too much. These risks include sleep deprivation:

  • Mood and depression problems
  • Afraid of missing out
  • Time-wasting
  • Poor body image
  • Pedophilia

TikTok unplugging and sleep tips

Moreover, You may feel as if you’re reading about doom scrolls after reading the AASM survey results. The use of social media can be reduced. The entire Internet or TikTok library of content can’t be viewed in one night, Dimitriu says. Set a social media bedtime before you go to bed. Then pursue other interests,” Dimitriu advises. Social media should be shut off one to two hours before sleep.


It’s important to assess your individual needs for boundaries on social media. Dimitriu suggests watching your moods when viewing social media. Think before you post on social media. Escape some feeling? Think? ”

Dimitriu advises you to make similar notes after logging off. How did the experience affect your happiness? Angry? Does it improve your sleep? ” To decide when to stop using a platform before bedtime, consider these factors.

Likewise, consider sleep needs. Some people may need more sleep than the CDC recommends for their age group. Others may agree. Few people appreciate the benefits of getting enough sleep, Dimitriu says. Check in after a solid seven to eight hours. Get more sleep and put down social media.”

Best Routines for bedtime

Additionally, As a child, you probably had a routine. Possibly a favorite story or lullaby. Routines can also benefit older children and adults. Unwind, relax, and close all tabs in your brain. Dimitriu suggests consuming other media if you want something else to do.

“Reading offline, like a physical book, is often best for sleep,” he says.nBooks don’t emit blue light. Meditation can also help you relax and sleep better, says Weiss.

Stop using Tiktok before bedtime

Two hours before bedtime, no screen time, sleep for eight hours. Who counts 600 minutes? First thing in the morning, it’s tempting to check TikTok. Refrain from temptation, says Weiss. She says social media can lead to anxiety and codependency. You should get up, brush your teeth, and exercise before logging on to social media.







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