The IHC challenges Imran Khan’s disqualification verdict

The IHC challenges Imran Khan's disqualification verdict
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The IHC challenges Imran Khan's disqualification
The IHC challenges Imran Khan's disqualification
  • The IHC challenges Imran Khan's disqualification verdict
  • Imran Khan's disqualification
  • The ECP disqualification for Imran
  • Asad Umar hopes IHC rejects ECP's decision


During his tenure as prime minister, Imran Khan failed to properly account for monies from the sale of Toshakhana gifts, which was cited by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) as a reason for disqualification him.

Athar Minallah will take up the matter on October 24 (Monday).

Under the administrative control of the Cabinet Division, the Tosha­khana stores precious gifts given by foreign dignitaries to rulers, parliamentarians, bureaucrats, and officials.

Those receiving gifts/presents and other materials must report them to the Cabinet Division in accordance with Toshakhana rules.

Imran Khan’s disqualification

In August, lawmakers from the ruling coalition accused Imran of failing to disclose information about the gifts he obtained from Toshakhana and their reported sales. As a result of the ECP’s ruling on Friday (yesterday), the former premier had indeed made “false statements and incorrect declarations” regarding the gifts.

In its order, the watchdog said Imran was disqualified.

IMC has received a writ petition from Imran’s lawyer, Barrister Ali Zafar, seeking to declare the order illegal under Article 63 of the Constitution.

Courts were also asked to declare an ECP order “misconceived” and set it aside as part of this plea.

Corrupt practices and disqualification

According to the Election Act and Election Rules, 2017, the ECP does not have jurisdiction to decide on “any questions of corrupt practices and disqualification”.


Further, his plea read: “Declare the [disqualification] reference itself ineffective, illegal, unlawful, mala fide, and devoid of force, in light of the facts of the case, and declare it void.”

It’s request that the court suspend the operation of the ECP’s order and halt any further proceedings by the ECP until the case is resolve.

ECP, National Assembly (NA) speaker and NA secretary as well as multiple members of the lower house have name as respondents.

In addition to this plea, Barrister Zafar has also filed an application for the case to be hear today. Despite his plea, the court rejected it and scheduled the hearing for October 24.

Barrister Zafar confirmed the hearing had  set for Monday, hoping that the ECP’s decision would be overturne.

The ECP disqualification for Imran

Fawad Chaudhry accused the establishment of “thoughtlessness” for the current “political crisis,” that both politicians and institutions must fix.

In response to a question regarding the decision by the ECP to disqualify Imran, he expressed these views.

According to Chaudhry, had the establishment’s role remained apolitical earlier, as now being said, the worsened situation, the political crisis would not have occurred.

According to the PTI leader, unelected institutions should no longer make decisions behind closed doors.

Having won Punjab by-elections in July and by-elections on NA seats earlier this month, the PTI would have held elections had Pakistan been democratic. “Unfortunately, conspiracies continue to lurk in the shadows. Despite their best efforts, they are still conducting business behind closed doors.

As well, Chaudhry complained that the ECP had not yet released the disqualification order for Imran. “If you don’t have the order, what announcements did you make yesterday that you might have the order soon? ” The young man wanted to know.

Further, as pointed out, the order did not bear any signatures from ECP members. As a result, if the order does not have signatures from all members, it is not a judgment, he added.

According to him, the order was  amend to suit the wishes of the ruling government.

There is no greater dishonesty by an institution, he said, urging the courts to resolve references filed by the PTI against ECP members.

According to him, the PTI leader believes that a revolution is necessary and that a long march is required to overthrow the ruling coalition. “The government is wasting the chance we gave, and the people of Pakistan have no choice but to come out and save the Constitution.”

As for the much-anticipated long march, Chaudhry said it could happen anytime.

Asad Umar hopes IHC rejects ECP’s decision

In a separate statement, Asad Umar expressed hope that Monday’s hearing would result in the IHC rejecting the ECP’s verdict.

According to him, the ECP is a political ally of the PDM and takes illegal and unconstitutional decisions to benefit the government and hurt the PTI.

While issuing its decision, the ECP “wasted ink,” Umar said, adding that yesterday’s protests showed the nation rejected it, as would the IHC.

The PTI would only talk with the government about fresh elections and could then possibly listen to other topics as well, he said.


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