Symptoms of Polio: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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Symptoms of Polio: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Symptoms of Polio: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Polio, also known as poliomyelitis, is a highly infectious viral disease that mainly affects children under the age of five. The disease is caused by the poliovirus, which attacks the nervous system and can cause paralysis, breathing problems, and even death. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms of polio, its causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

What is Polio?

Polio is a contagious viral disease that can cause lifelong paralysis and even death. The disease is caused by the poliovirus, which is spread through contaminated food and water or contact with an infected person. Polio mainly affects children under the age of five, but it can also affect adults who have not been vaccinated.

Causes of Polio

The poliovirus is the main cause of polio. The virus is spread through the fecal-oral route, which means it is transmitted through contaminated food and water or contact with an infected person’s feces. The virus enters the body through the mouth and multiplies in the throat and intestines. It then spreads to the lymph nodes and bloodstream and can affect the nervous system, causing paralysis and other serious complications.

Symptoms of Polio

Symptoms of Polio: asymptomatic, non-paralytic, and paralytic. The majority of people infected with polio do not develop any symptoms and recover fully without any complications. However, some people may experience non-paralytic or paralytic symptoms.

Asymptomatic Polio

Asymptomatic polio occurs when a person is infected with the poliovirus but does not show any symptoms. However, the person can still spread the virus to others.

Non-paralytic Polio

Moreover, Non-paralytic polio is the most common type of polio. It causes flu-like symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, headache, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms usually last for two to five days and then go away on their own.

Paralytic Polio

Paralytic polio is a rare but severe form of the disease that can cause permanent paralysis and even death. The symptoms of paralytic polio include sudden onset of fever, headache, stiffness in the neck and back, and muscle pain and weakness. In severe cases, the virus can affect the muscles that control breathing and swallowing, leading to respiratory failure and death.

Diagnosis of Polio

The diagnosis of polio is based on the symptoms and laboratory tests. A doctor may order a blood test or a stool sample to confirm the presence of the virus. In severe cases, a doctor may also order a spinal tap to check for the presence of the virus in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Treatment of Polio

There is no cure for polio, but the disease can be prevented through vaccination. The polio vaccine is highly effective and has helped to eradicate the disease in many parts of the world. If a person is infected with polio, treatment is focused on managing the symptoms and preventing complications.


What are the risk factors for polio?

Ans: The risk factors for polio include living in an area with poor sanitation, traveling to an area with a high incidence of polio, and having a weakened immune system.

How is polio spread?

Ans: Polio is spread through contaminated food and water or contact with an infected person’s faeces.

Can polio be cured?

Ans: There is no cure for polio, but the disease can be prevented through vaccination.

Can adults get polio?

Ans: Yes, adults can get polio if they have not been vaccinated or have not had the disease before.

Is polio contagious?

Ans: Yes, polio is contagious and can be spread from person to person.


In conclusion, polio is a highly infectious viral disease that mainly affects children under the age of five. The disease is caused by the poliovirus, which attacks the nervous system and can cause paralysis, breathing problems, and even death. The symptoms of polio include asymptomatic, non-paralytic, and paralytic. There is no cure for polio, but the disease can be prevented through vaccination. If a person is infected with polio, treatment is focused on managing the symptoms and preventing complications. It is important to take measures to prevent the spread of polio, such as maintaining good hygiene practices and getting vaccinated.

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