social media causes depression – 2022 report- awwaken

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social media causes depression - 2022 report- awwaken
social media causes depression - 2022 report- awwaken

In some ways, social media can be a simple way to keep in touch with family and friends that may be easier than any other method but does social media causes depression? Furthermore, it keeps you informed of current affairs and provides news. As entertaining as it is, however, it can also have a negative side, giving a distorted view of the world that makes sensitive people feel sad and jealous as a result.

Several studies have concluded that social media use can be associated with depression and other mental health problems.

How can depression be define?

social media causes depression - 2022 report- awwaken
social media causes depression – 2022 report- awwaken

You can’t just think of depression as a temporary period of sadness. There are a variety of mental illnesses that will have a significant impact on your mood, thinking, and behavior as a result of it. A variety of physical and mental issues may result from this disorder, and they could have a negative impact upon your ability to perform well at work or live a fulfilling life.

The number of mental health issues is on the rise, and depression is now the largest cause of disability in the world. The number of Americans suffering from depression alone amounts to nearly 17 million.

There is still no clear understanding of what causes depression among medical professionals. All of these factors may contribute to the outcome. Genetics, biology, the environment, and psychology may all play a role. Depressive disorders may be cause by a variety of factors, including:

  • Situations in life
  • A hormone’s role
  • Acute inflammation
  • Inheritance

There has been recent research that shows a correlation between social media use and depression in some individuals.

social media causes depression

social media causes depression - 2022 report- awwaken
social media causes depression – 2022 report- awwaken

As a group, young adults are the most likely to use social media, and they are also the most likely to suffer from depression.

Teenagers are constantly growing and changing as they go through their teenage years. Recent research suggests that the complete development of the brain occurs only in the mid-20s. Developing the emotional and cognitive centers of the brain takes the longest in the frontal and temporal areas. Controlling impulses, judging, and making decisions are all handled in these areas.

The brain is especially susceptible to outside influences during this stage of development since it is still growing and changing. You can suffer from mental health problems when you constantly consume edited images of perfection, which can create feelings of loneliness and inadequacy.

A culture of comparison has fostered by social media over the past few years. On social media, in contrast to in real life, you have access to the highlights of other people’s lives, which might lead you to believe that everyone else seems to be living a more fulfilling and exciting life than you. As a result, inferiority, loneliness, and envy may be felt.

A significant study found that those who remained on social media the most over the next six months were three times more likely to develop depression than those who were least likely to do so.

social media causing feelings of loneliness and seclusion

social media causes depression - 2022 report- awwaken
social media causes depression – 2022 report- awwaken

Besides the problems with comparison, there is also the possibility of social media causing feelings of loneliness and seclusion as well. In place of face-to-face interactions, social media time could take the place of hours spent each day on social media. Additionally, it may lead to more misunderstandings, which can complicate relationships and lead to mental health problems.

Various studies have shown a link between time spent on social media and feelings of social isolation among young adults between the ages of 19 and 32, according to a study conducted among individuals between those ages.

The last thing you want to do is feel compelle to see every Facebook post someone makes or wonder why you not invite to a Facebook event. There is no denying the fact that virtual interactions take precedence over real ones when you are constantly online. A digital relationship might generate feelings of isolation due to its fleeting nature and inability to replace an in-person relationship.


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