Palestinian boy died of a gunshot wound days after Israel raided the West Bank

Palestinian boy died of a gunshot wound days after Israel raided the West Bank
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Palestinian boy died of a gunshot wound days after Israel raided the West
Palestinian boy died of a gunshot wound days after Israel raided the West
  • A Palestinian boy died of a gunshot wound days after Israel raided the West Bank
  • Palestinian  soldiers exchanged fire
  •  Palestini Authority

 According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, a 12-year-old Palestini kid died on Monday after being shot by Israeli soldiers during a raid in the occupied West Bank in late September.

The Israeli operation in Jenin that killed four Palestini gunmen and injured 40 others killed Mahmoud Samoudi.

Men carried his body, covered in a Palestinian flag, along a funeral procession path crowded with mourners on Monday.

Palestinian  soldiers exchanged fire

During its operation in the area, Israel exchanged fire with gunmen, resulting in the death of the boy.

Samoudi died after a bloody weekend in the West Bank in which four Palestini teenagers  killed  Israeli forces.

Following 19 Palestinian street attacks, Israel launched a military operation in late March, killing over 100 Palestinians.

According to the Israeli military, the daily raids are part of a “counter-terrorism campaign” to prevent Palestine attacks.

 Palestini Authority

The Palestinian Authority, which has limited self-government in the West Bank, has condemned the raids, calling them “crimes” against Palestine who have lived under Israeli military control for decades.

The Palestine Foreign Ministry announced on Monday that it has issued a letter to the UN secretary general requesting that the organization provide special protection for Palestinian children. According to the letter, Israel has “willfully” killed over 44 Palestini children and juveniles since January by purposely aiming at their upper bodies.


It says it uses live fire only after all other options have  exhausted and in accordance with international law.”


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