
Latest Politics News

Pakistan’s nuclear programme caught the administration by surprise after President Biden’s remarks.

Instead of being based on the actual remarks made by President Biden's,

Day-long physical remand for Swati’s

FIA officers asked the court to extend Swati's physical detention by eight

Biden’s remarks don’t support Imran’s conspiracy theory

Imran Khan based his regime-change narrative on a US conspiracy, according to

Ishaq Dar seeks rescheduling of $27 billion bilateral debt

According to Reuters, finance minister Ishaq Dar plans to restructure $27 billion

Imran is accused of disrespecting the Supreme Court by the government

It is urging the Supreme Court to prevent Imran Khan from leading

The IK-led PTI escalates its conflict with the establishment

ISLAMABAD: The PTI under Imran Khan has escalated its criticism of the

Pakistani ministers abroad have been heckled, the FO says

According to the Foreign Office on Friday, "the FO takes notice of

By-elections should be held cautiously, asks interior ministry

On October 16, there will be by-elections in eight constituencies - NA-22

Azerbaijan and Pakistan strengthen ties in a variety of fields

Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev agreed to enhance bilateral

 Regulating phone tapping by agencies

In addition to banning phone tapping, intelligence organizations could regulate their methods