
Latest National News

‘Alarming’ rise of Rohingyas lost at sea in 2022: UN

There has an alarming rise of Rohingyas refugees dying at sea fleeing

To prevent data leaks, the center issues a dark web advisory to ministries and provinces

Earlier this week, it  revealed that the federal government had sent cybersecurity

Blast on Sabzal Road on Sunday has injured at least four people

The Balochistan Chief Minister Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo condemned the incident and ordered

CTD center in Bannu – SSG clears Bannu CTD compound of hostages, kills captors 2022

All 33 terrorists who took over the Counter-Terrorism Department's CTD center in

Pakistan stock exchange plunges by 613 points following IMF delay

On Thursday, the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) fell more than 600 points

India was shocked by the 2012 gang rape and murder

The December 16, 2012, gang rape and murder of young women on

Long march ends with Imran Khan’s COAS appointment: Bilawal

According to Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Imran Khan is out to

Coronavirus test positive for PM Shehbaz Sharif

It has confirmed as of Tuesday that Shehbaz Sharif, the Prime Minister,

New FO spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch appointed

It announced that career diplomat Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has appointed as the

A visit from Imran Khan sons arrives in Lahore

The sons of PTI chairman Imran Khan sons arrives in lahore.  Qasim