Martial law declared by Putin’s in occupied Ukraine

Martial law declared by Putin in occupied Ukraine
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Martial law declared by Putin's in occupied
Martial law declared by Putin's in occupied
  • Martial law declared by Putin in occupied Ukraine
  • Major Ukrainian defeats
  • Additional powers by Putin's
  • Actions urgent
  • Putin's allies have criticised


Vladimir Putin’s announced on Wednesday that he was imposing martial law in four Ukrainian regions. Moscow claimed last month as its own.

Russia’s Prime Minister Mishustin ordered the creation of a special coordinating council under the leadership of regional governors in televised remarks to his Security Council.

The “entire system of state administration”, not just the specialized security agencies, must support the Russian “special military operation”.

Major Ukrainian defeats

Nearly eight months into the war, Putin’s latest moves marked an escalation to counter a series of major Ukrainian defeats.

According to a Kyiv official, there will be no changes as a result.

In a decree published by the Kremlin, an “economic mobilization” is required in eight regions adjacent to Ukraine, including Crimea.

Essentially, it placed them under a special regime below martial law, which restricted people’s movements.

Additional powers by Putin’s

All 80-plus Russian regions were given additional powers by Putin to protect critical infrastructure, maintain public order, and boost production.

The new measures bolstered Russia’s military position on the ground, but it was unclear how soon or how effectively they would improve public opinion.

Kherson’s acting governor, Vladimir Saldo, confirmed he would hand over power to the military, according to Russian news agencies. Several Russian regions, including Moscow, named in parts of the decree say nothing will change.

The order came on the same day that Russian-installed officials in Kherson urged civilians to evacuate some areas.

 Podolyak said on Twitter: “This does not change anything for Ukraine: our territory is still liberated and de-occupied.”

Actions urgent

In response to Ukraine’s gains, Putin deployed additional troops, unilaterally annexed four Ukrainian regions, and threatened nuclear weapons.

So, The increasingly urgent measures have brought the reality of the war much closer to home for many ordinary Russians after months of assurances.

Putin’s allies have criticised

Even Putin’s allies have criticised the military’s failures and the chaotic mobilization, which caused hundreds of thousands to flee abroad.

Several regions have appealed to the general public for basic equipment for newly mobilised soldiers, a problem that Putin implicitly acknowledges.

We must provide everything our soldiers need, regardless of the task they are performing. The same applies to barracks and places of deployment, living conditions, kit and gear, food, and medical care.

All the issues that arise here – and they do exist – can be resolved at a modern level that is worthy of our country.”

As a result of the steps he is ordering, the economy and industry will be more stable, and production will increase to support the military.

“Our goal is to ensure that Russia, the future of our people, has a reliable future,” he stated.


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