Khalistan Referendum endorsed by Canadian think tank

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Khalistan Referendum endorsed by Canadian think tank_awwaken
Khalistan Referendum endorsed by Canadian think tank_awwaken

Sikhs for Justice is campaigning to raise awareness of Khalistan and pressurize India into holding an official vote on whether the country should create.

According to two international authorities on the right to self-determination, this is the foremost international campaign in support of the right to self-determination.

A press conference in Toronto and an online discussion involving the chairman and members of the Punjab Referendum Commission (PRC). A panel of non-aligned direct democracy experts supervising and monitoring the Khalistan Referendum Voting — released the joint report published by the Research Institute on Self-Determination of Peoples and Nations (IRAI) and the Punjab Referendum Commission (PRC).

International laws and established democratic norms reviewed in the report regarding the validity of the ongoing Sikh secessionist referendum.

Khalistan Spearheaded By the SJF

A Khalistan Referendum spearheaded by the SJF. Which is designed to decide whether Punjab will be governed by an Indian government or will be independent.”

During a press conference, Punjab Referendum Commission chair Dane Waters and expert Matt Qvortrup discussed the significance of the referendum.

Qvortrup said that the referendum hold in accordance with international standards and voting took place peacefully across Europe.

A peaceful self-determination model based on SJF can serve as a beacon for all nations, ethnicities, and groups seeking their rights to self-determination.

Despite its unofficial nature, experts say the referendum will have political and symbolic value as a democratic process that solidifies support for Khalistan and sends a message to the world. The referendum gives Sikhs in Canada the opportunity to vote on the issue of whether non-Sikhs should allow into Sikh temples.

Indian to be democratic country

According to the panelists, if India wants to considered a democratic country, it has to act as one. Additionally, they regretted that India had refused to publicize news about Khalistan.

During the commission’s meeting, Paul Jacobs, president of Citizens in Charge and Citizens in Charge Foundation, pointed out.  How important self-determination was in a referendum.

According to Jacobs, there is power in the vote.

Dynamic governments are the worst kind of governments you will ever find, except for everything else.” Winston Churchill once said. In order to ensure a successful referendum, we hope to assist in making it as good as it can be.”

A spokesperson for the SJF, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, welcomed the publication of the report and called it a significant intellectual contribution to the struggle for Khalistan’s legitimacy.

According to Pannun, the “Khalistan Referendum is not about re-establishing Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s ruled country but about liberating Punjab from Indian occupation and reclaiming Shimla as the corporate headquarters as it was in 1947 when Punjab was governed under Indian Rule.”

India, not Pakistan, has denied Sikhism a separate identity and targeted Sikhs for multiple genocides. Khalistan is in India. The referendum is to establish independence and liberation for Indian-occupied Punjab since Pakistan recognizes Sikhism as a separate religion with 20,000 Sikhs living there peacefully and prospering.” said Pannun.

Additionally, Pannun asserted that Punjab is a ‘road leading to Kashmir’s liberation.

In an interview, the spokesperson said that the liberation of Khalistan would pave the way for Kashmir to be freed from Indian occupation.

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