Jerusalem’s status as Israel’s capital has been reversed by Australia

Jerusalem's status as Israel's capital has been reversed by Australia
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Jerusalem's status as Israel's capital has been reversed by
Jerusalem's status as Israel's capital has been reversed by
  • Jerusalem's status as Israel's capital has been reversed by Australia
  •  Israel's Foreign Ministry
  • Result of Morrison's
  • Israeli's media report

Israel’s capital status should be determined through negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, not by recognition.

Australia will continue to support Israel as a steadfast friend, said Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong. The two-state solution in which Israel and Palestine coexist peacefully is strongly supported by her.

“In pursuit of a just and lasting two-state solution, Australia recommits to international efforts,” she said.


 Israel’s Foreign Ministry


Announcing that it would summon the Australian ambassador, Israel’s Foreign Ministry expressed “deep disappointment” with the decision.

It is the eternal and united capital of the State of Israel, regardless of this-or-that decision, according to the ministry.

After decades of Middle East policy, former PM Scott Morrison recognized West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2018.

Former US president Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital a year earlier without specifying its borders.

It was met with concern by Indonesia, Australia’s Muslim-majority neighbor, following Morrison’s 2018 decision.


Result of Morrison’s


As a result of Morrison’s political decision, Australia has shifted its position, which has caused distress to many people in the Australian community.” she said.

His Liberal party lost a by-election in a Sydney electorate with a high Jewish representation, which Morrison flagged in 2018.

West Jerusalem as the capital has  remove from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website, according to The Guardian.

Wong said the Cabinet of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese made the decision on Tuesday.


Israel’s media report


An Israeli media report about Jerusalem misled Canberra, according to Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid.

“The Australian government must take other matters more seriously and professionally,” he tweeted.

Earlier, Wong told reporters the department website had  update ahead of government processes.

The May election returned a Labor government for the first time in nine years, defeating Morrison’s Liberal coalition. 

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