Is Imran charge against the judge true or false?

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Is Imran charge against the judge true or false?_awwaken
Is Imran charge against the judge true or false?_awwaken

Imran Khan former chief of staff, Shahbaz Gill, he tortured or not while in jail? In spite of the evidence of torture, did Additional Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhry grant Shahbaz Gill’s physical remand?

In the absence of knowing the answers to these questions, Imran Khan spoke against Additional Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhry, which brings him into contempt of court. Do you believe that Imran Khan’s allegations are based on facts or is it just a narrative he’s trying to spin?

It requested by police that Shahbaz Gill physically remanded for 14 days, but he only remanded for two days by Magistrate Umar Shabir. According to Shahbaz Gill, when he brought before the court again, the police tortured him during the investigation.

Shahbaz gill medical test

His statement stated that he did not undergo any medical tests. His body was also covered in torture marks when he appeared before the Magistrate. He therefore remanded in custody by Duty Magistrate Umar Shabir.

Imran Khan posted a tweet following the court hearing condemning the torture of his Chief of Staff. He said Shahbaz Gill should be given a fair chance to defend himself if he had violated any laws. As far as police are concerned, there was no torture committed on Gill during his arrest.

As of August 12, Advocate General’s appeal for criminal review was denied by the Duty Magistrate. The following day, the Islamabad High Court was approached for a review of the Duty Magistrate’s decision. It was directed that the case be reheard in the Sessions Court.

Shahbaz Gill remained in Adiala Jail between August 12 and August 16, and PTI torture narrative gained momentum. During the remand hearing on August 16, Additional Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhry presided.

Judge Zeba Chaudhry

In response to a question about the matter, Punjab Home Minister Hashim Dogar said Shahbaz Gill refused to undergo any medical tests. Shahbaz Gill was granted a 2-day physical remand by Judge Zeba Chaudhry on August 17. In response, she directed the investigation officer to get Shahbaz Gill’s medical records.

There was news that Shahbaz Gill’s health wasn’t good after the court’s decision. Afterward, Imran Khan reportedly instructed Adiala Jail staff not to hand over Shahbaz Gill to Islamabad police. According to reports, Imran threatened the police and put pressure on his ministers.

Shahbaz Gill was taken into custody by Islamabad police after four hours. He was examined by PIMS after being taken to the police station. Meanwhile, his lawyers filed a complaint against his extension of remand and torture in the Islamabad High Court.

PIMS conducted two medical examinations on him. According to the report, he had asthma, had difficulty breathing, and had pain in his chest and neck. His second check-up showed he was stable after a pulmonologist cleared him. This method prevented torture from mentioned in reports.

In the absence of a report of torture, Judge Zeba Chaudhry ordered Gill to be held on physical remand in jail. Imran continued to harass her, however. A video appeared in which Gill looked healthy and talked to policemen when he was sent to PIMS for a medical examination.

Imran khan threatened  the police

Imran Khan threatened the Islamabad IG and the additional IG in his public meeting of August 20 and also called Zeba Chaudhry to get ready for action. In the following day’s statement, he defended his position.

A contempt of court proceeding started against him by the Islamabad High Court on August 22. In neither the investigation nor the report to Judge Zeba Chaudhry.   it established that Shahbaz Gill had been tortured.

Hashim Dogar of the Punjab Home Ministry also confirmed that Gill had refused a medical examination. Although Imran charged with terrorism, he continued to repeat his accusations. It should be noted, however, that police officials denied the allegations of torture made against Gill.

In spite of this, Gill had an injury on his body and other marks according to the police records at the Adiala jail. Zeba Chaudhry continued to be threatened by Imran while Adiala jail was under Punjab government control.

His public rallies also contained defenses of his words. The court gave him multiple chances to apologize, but he failed to do so. The 22nd of September will see the indictment of him.


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