Imran Khan reveals plan to assassinate him after assassination

Imran Khan reveals plan to assassinate him after assassination
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Imran Khan reveals plan to assassinate him after
Imran Khan reveals plan to assassinate him after
  • Imran Khan reveals plan to assassinate him after assassination

He broke his silence a day after being shot during an “assassination attempt,” reveals plan that he had already seen the danger.

Khan told PTI supporters from Shaukat Khanum Hospital: “I was already aware that there was a plan to kill me between Wazirabad and Gujrat.”.

The attempted assassination of Khan took place on Thursday afternoon. Khan  shot in the leg. After undergoing surgery in Lahore, he  taken to an area hospital. Doctors say his condition is stable.

In his opening remarks, Khan told the crowd that he  shot four times by PTI stalwart, Dr Faisal Sultan.

In addition to Khan’s X-ray reports, Dr Sultan displayed the details of the injuries that the party chief sustained, including a fracture.

During the detailed presentation, Khan stated that he had prior knowledge of the looming danger.

“Govt can never lose a no-trust move”

The Pakistani ambassador recounted that a US official threatened the Pakistani ambassador that if Khan  not removed, the country would face difficulties. 

“The result  a motion of no confidence filed, which force our lawmakers to pledge their loyalty,” he said.

The government could never have lost the no-trust move, but “they [the coalition leaders] used the money to succeed.”

PTI decided against participating in the auction as it would mean stealing the people’s and the nation’s money,” he said.

It was thought that now PTI’s grave had been dug and Khan was gone forever, but the Pakistani nation did something it had never done before.

Despite the fact that the people had had enough of them, the establishment decided it was time for a change in government and brought them back. “

His argument was that the establishment  used as a vehicle for imposing decisions on the people. “People  shocked that people failed to stand up to those who had stolen for 40 years.”

Everyone  stopped

Due to my popularity as a public leader, and the people’s support for me in coming to power, they have shown great support for me. As well as shocked, I was also in disbelief.

“We did not stop anyone” when the PTI was in power, he said, referring to three long marches against the government.

In contrast, Khan accused the coalition government of  scared and torturing people when PTI announced a long march on May 25.”

He recalled the incidents of his first march, which ended abruptly on May 25, saying that law enforcement agencies used tear gas and shelling to scare people away from peaceful protests.

Pakistan’s own agencies were preventing democratic processes from continuing.

The CEC is a Sharif servant

He also accused the Pakistan Election Commission (ECP) of siding with the incumbent government and sidelining the PTI.

Toshakhana disqualification  used by the coalition government as a tool to disqualify the former premier.

According to him, the ECP used all sorts of rigging tactics during the July 17 by-election. “Their goal was to discredit me by any means necessary, including mudslinging and lawsuits filed against me.”

According to the PTI chief, the accusations leveled against him in Toshakhana are baseless, since all the records are available there.

The ECP disqualified me in that case despite knowing nothing could have stolen from the Toshakhana.

He said that he couldn’t be compared to them [the Sharif family] who have billions of assets abroad and live in London’s most expensive apartments.

The party will appeal the ECP’s decision to disqualify him, saying Sikander Sultan Raja is a “servant of the Sharif family”.


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