Faisal Vawda: Pakistani conspiracy for murder

Faisal Vawda: Pakistani conspiracy for murder
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Faisal Vawda: Pakistani conspiracy for murder-awwaken.com
Faisal Vawda: Pakistani conspiracy for murder-awwaken.com
  • Faisal Vawda: Pakistani conspiracy for murder
  • Hit the head and chest
  • Faisal Vawda against Sharif
  • Long march will bring deaths

According to PTI leader Faisal Vawda, the slaying of Arshad Sharif was a ‘premeditated’ murder planned in Pakistan, he said.

Vawda, who claimed to be a close friend of Sharif, said Sharif was shot at from close range within the car as against Kenyan police’s version.

Since Sharif’s “murder” was a pre-planned murder, not an accidental incident, “I will speak the truth without fear of the consequences.”

All evidence has erase from Pakistan, according to him. He lamented the procedure of justice in Pakistan and Kenya, where he claimed conditions were worse than those in Pakistan.

According to Vawda, it wasn’t like 20 bullets were fired and one hit Sharif by mistake. “I believe a person in the car or present at a very close range fired two bullets at him, one to the head and one to the chest,” he said.

Hit the head and chest

It  have take 8-10 bullets if it had  fired from a distance when it directly hit the head and chest.

“That’s what he said, regardless of the country. The police would never open fire if they were unsure whether there was a child in the car. According to him, only Sharif died in this cold-blooded, brutal murder, which  plan.”

The PTI leader says he will not name the criminals. As a result, I have made a video and have named those people. I have published those names worldwide. There have  millions of dollars given by me. The message I have for you is that if I am shot and killed, you will also die.”

Those who want to split the country chose to kill Arshad in Kenya, according to the PTI leader.

Further, he said that he had released a video message revealing the names of a few people “involved in Sharif’s murder.”

As proof of the validity of his claim, Vawda said he is ready to hand over his phone for forensics if necessary. 

Sharif said “conspirators” blackmailed and threatened him into leaving Pakistan, so he went to Dubai. There was a claim later that either the establishment or some unknown institutions forced him to leave Dubai, but this is false. More information will be provided to you in the near future.

Sharif stayed in Dubai until his visa expired and later went to London, as reported by the PTI leader. It should note, however, that he did not go to London either.”

Faisal Vawda against Sharif

According to Vawda, a person was “conspiring” against Sharif, and he informed PTI Chairman Imran Khan about this “conspirator”.

As a person of integrity, Sharif  inform about a conspiracy that was behind another conspiracy.

It is not possible for a common man to send Sharif to Kenya from Dubai, according to Vawda. “This was not a simple death. It was a cold-blooded murder. These people want instability and chaos in our country.”

A PTI leader said the journalist was in contact with the establishment and ready to return, but he was being fed a “conspiracy theory”.

According to Vawda, the “conspirators” thought it best to kill Sharif when he returned to Pakistan, as his presence would reveal several truths.

‘If any international agency needs a forensic analysis of my phone, I am willing to share it,’ the ex-minister said.

As part of the “conspiracy,” Vawda said Sharif was in contact with the establishment in Pakistan.

It was not far for the PTI leader to reach the people behind this “conspiracy.”

Long march will bring deaths

As the former minister pointed out, the long march, set to start on Friday (October 28), would be marke by bloodshed, death, and funerals.

Despite the fact that these funerals  held, I will try to save my Pakistanis from the bloodshed and murder perpetre by a few people. Throughout my lifetime, I will endeavor to end the politics of death and bloodshed in this country.”

In the long march to Islamabad, Vawda said “important and common” deaths will occur, and that the march had “ulterior motives.”

As a result of the long march, several deaths will be carry out to “divert the attention” so that the nation would begin to see things as “black as white”.


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