Day-long physical remand for Swati’s

Day-long physical remand for Swati's
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Day-long physical remand for Swati'
Day-long physical remand for Swati'
  • Day-long physical remand for Swati's
  • Record of Swati's
  • Legal protection
  • FIA officers

FIA officers asked the court to extend Swati’s physical detention by eight days during the hearing.

ISLAMABAD: In a case involving Azam Khan Swati’s divisive tweets, a district and sessions court on Saturday extended the PTI leader’s physical remand for an additional day. The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) requested an eight-day extension while the PTI senator was being held in custody, but the court rejected the request and gave the officials one more day to wrap up their inquiries.


After many hours of delay and the conclusion of his physical remand. The former federal minister was finally brought before the court on Saturday.


After the conclusion of his two-day physical remand in the morning.  Swati was expected to be brought before Judicial Magistrate Muhammad Shabbir’s court. He wasn’t introduced until the afternoon, though.


The FIA officers asked the judge to extend Swati’s physical detention by eight days during the hearing. After the judge asked, they gave him the case file.

Record of Swati’s

Additionally, the prosecution showed the court a record of Swati’s “controversial” tweets.


The special prosecutor insisted that they would also submit any evidence. That surfaced in the archives that was favorable to Swati.


The “controversial” tweet, according to special prosecutor Abbasi, was sent from Swati’s verified account. He insisted that the tweet included language that was “very nasty.”


He said that the FIA has records of the intended tweets from Swati’s official account.  That “the stated tweet is not the only tweet since Azam Swati has made such tweets before as well.”


The prosecutor asked for a delay in Swati’s physical detention, citing the need for the FIA to find the password to the Twitter account. Additionally, he disclosed to the court that Swati was resisting being questioned.

After Abbasi finished speaking, Awan argued that although the defense acknowledged that Swati had tweeted, there was still legal protection.


Regarding the alleged physical abuse meted out to the PTI leader while in custody, Awan added, “If you want to check anything, check his [Swati’s] wounds.”


Babar Awan, Swati’s attorney, had expressed his frustration that after waiting since 8 a.m., the FIA had not yet brought the PTI leader before the court.

FIA officers

Swati was receiving a medical check and will be brought in court afterward, the FIA officers informed the court.


Awan insisted that Swati needed to be produced in court at the beginning of the hearing on Saturday morning since his physical remand had come to an end. At the last hearing, he said, the court had mandated that Swati undergo a medical checkup.


The court then commented that the security people weren’t there yet.


The judge speculated, “They could have transported the suspect to the hospital.”


Awan was instructed by the judge to wait for Swati in his chamber or to leave any assistant attorneys in the courtroom.


Awan insisted that he would notify the court about the laws that were used to prosecute Swati.


Azam Swati was apprehended by the FIA’s Cybercrime Wing (CCW) on Thursday from his residence in Islamabad and brought before senior civil judge Shabbir Bhatti’s bench in the federal center. A two-day detention was authorized by the court. Subsequently, a complaint was filed against Swati due to the contentious tweets by the agency’s cybercrime unit.





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