The importance of regular breast exams for women of all ages

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The importance of regular breast exams for women of all ages
The importance of regular breast exams for women of all ages
Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that affect women around the world. According to the American Cancer Society, Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer. However, Early detection and treatment can greatly increase the chances of survival. This is why regular breast exams are so important for women of all ages.

Breast exams used to detect any lumps or abnormalities in the breast tissue. There are two main types of breast exams: Clinical breast exams and mammograms. Clinical breast exam are typically performed by a healthcare professional during a routine physical exam. Mammograms are x-ray exams that can detect breast cancer before any symptoms are present.

The American Cancer Society recommends that women begin receiving regular mammograms at the age of 40, or earlier if they have a family history of breast cancer. However, it is important for women of all ages to perform regular self-exams and have clinical breast exam during routine physical exams.

Breast exams for women at home

Performing a self-exam is simple and can be done at home. Women should perform self-exams at least once a month, preferably a few days after their menstrual period ends. To perform a self-exam, women should stand in front of a mirror and look for any changes in the size or shape of their breasts, as well as any visible lumps or swelling. They should also check for any changes in the skin, such as redness, dimpling, or puckering. In addition to a self-exam, women should have a clinical breast exam performed by a healthcare professional every 3 years in their 20s and 30s, and every year starting at age 40.

Regular breast exam can help detect breast cancer at an early stage, which greatly increases the chances of successful treatment. It is important for women to talk to their healthcare provider about their risk factors for breast cancer and discuss a screening plan that is right for them. Women who have a higher risk of breast cancer, such as those with a family history, may need to start screening at an earlier age or have more frequent exams.

In conclusion, regular breast exam are an important part of maintaining women’s health and well-being. By performing regular self-exams and having clinical breast exam and mammograms as recommended by their healthcare provider, women can take proactive steps to detect and treat breast cancer at an early stage, potentially saving their lives.

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