Adults today have at least four health issues: poll

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An Adults today have at least four health problems: poll__awwaken
An Adults today have at least four health problems: poll__awwaken

According to research, more than 80% of adults suffer from at least one health issue in a given year.

82% of British adults have at least one minor health condition, according to a poll conducted on 2,000 adults. It found that 52% of those experiencing “significant” pain were suffering from it.

It is estimated that almost half of the people suffering from ailments have been battling with them for many years.

OnePoll’s survey found that 46% of Americans struggled to sleep, 28% struggled with mental health issue, and 18% could not work because of these health issues.

Moreover, 70% of sufferers adopted avoidant coping mechanisms and were moving through life with the mentality of “keep calm and carry on.”.

Reasons of health issue

Due to a lack of interest on the part of their doctors, 28% of people do not feel motivated to exercise.  A further 22% of sufferers do not like going to the doctor for some reason.

It was surprising to discover that half of the respondents hadn’t even considered visiting a pharmacy or seeking medical advice.

According to Farah Ali, the superintendent pharmacist at Warman-Freed in London, people shouldn’t ignore the body’s signals.

You shouldn’t ignore your body by putting up with discomfort or suffering in silence. Self-care is one way to manage conditions early, thereby preventing problems from building up and disrupting everyday activities.”

A nationwide study concluded that suffering in silence is a widespread concern.  By looking at others in worse health conditions, people believe that they are better off than them.

In the study, it found that adults were not taking as many medical leaves as they should. It found that adults were working despite feeling sick.

A third of respondents said that they had too much work to do, while another twenty percent said they did not have a problem at all.



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